About a course of work on educational work on Department of Internal Diseases No. 3

In 2011-12 academic year our chair supervises 28 groups of students of the 6th course of medical faculty, of them 24 groups of the Kazakh office and 4 groups of Russian office. On the basis of the all-university plan the cathedral plan on educational work which included such works as civil and patriotic, legal and polycultural, spiritual and moral and esthetic education, and also events for anti-corruption work, for healthy lifestyle promotion were held was made.

With a view of development of moral, civilization and patriotism of students the next curator hours were spent: 10.09.11 years — «The constitution – the fundamental law of RK» under the direction of the assistant professor S.G.Enokyan, 15.11.2011 under the direction of assistant Sheriyazdan Zh.S. by the Independence Day — «Желтоқсан лебі», 30.01.2012 under the direction of assistants.Toksanbayeva G. T. and Sabyrbayeva G. Discussion of the Message of the President «New decade — new economic recovery — new possibilities of Kazakhstan», 02.2012 years under the direction of professor Zimanova G. S. and assistant professor Bekisheva A.S. is carried out. curator hour on a subject «I against corruption!».

Especially it would be desirable to note participation of students of supervised groups under the direction of curators in relay race of good deeds which included: actions «Day of the donor»,

participation in actions for prevention of diseases – students 08-2, 08-3 groups under the direction of professor Iskakov B. S., assistants.Sheriyazdan Zh.S. and Chumbalova A.S., lectures for school students of 4-8 classes SSh No. 54 on the subject «Healthy nutrition» of 17.11.2011 were given; 29.02.2012 years students 01-1 and 01-2 6th courses under the direction of assistant Sheriyazdan Zh.S. participated at conference devoted to the international Day orfanny a disease.

With a view of cultural – esthetic development of students theaters were visited, in particular 28.02.2012 students from groups supervised by chair in common with the teachers visited opera and ballet theater of a name of Abaya – a concert of Damask steel of Ayukhanov.

Students of supervised groups actively participate in circles of scientifically research work of students. In second-intra faculty round students of 01-2 groups Elemes Perizat and Dlimbetova Meruyert took the second place. The research supervisor – assistant Sheriyazdan Zh.S.

07.04.2012 to year chair of internal diseases No. 3 with students, together with the staff of city clinical hospital No. 7 noted «Nauryz».