
Name of teacher

Group number


















Iskakov B.S.

001-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 04.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Sheriyazdan J.S.

005-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
012-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 04.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Toksanbaeva G.T.

003-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
009-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
015-1,2,3,4 к. 04.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Sabirbaeva G.A.

002-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.

Semenova R.I.

022-1,2,3 р. 03.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

08.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 14.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

17.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 22.05.12 г.

Gabbasova E.Z.

022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

03.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 08.05.12 г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

14.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 17.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 22.05.12 г.










Interpretation of analyses and measurement of BP



Sabirbaeva G.A.

001-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3, к. 20.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 25.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 07.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Saylanova D.K.

002-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
005-1,2,3 к. 20.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 25.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 07.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Sheriyazdan J.S.

012-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
015 -1,2,3,4 к. 07.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Toksanbaeva G.T.

003-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 20.04.12 г.

Iskakov B.S.

009-1,2,3 к 25.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.

Enokyan S.G.

022-1,2,3 р. 04.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

10.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 15.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

18.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 23.05.12 г.

Chumbalova A.S.

022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

04.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 10.05.12г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

15.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 18.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 23.05.12 г.






























Zimanova G.S.

001-1,2,3 к. 18.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 08.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 24.05.12 г.

Almuhambetova R.K.

002-1,2,3 к. 18.04.12 г.
005-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
015-1,2,3,4 к. 08.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05. 12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.

Bekisheva A.S.

003-1,2, 3 к. 18.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
009-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
012-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 08.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 21.05.12 г.

Popelnaya L.A.

022-1,2,3 р. 07.05.12 г.
022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

08.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

11.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 14.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 16.05.12 г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

17.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

21.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 24.05.12 г.


Venue: Chair of internal diseases №3 (on a clinical basis – ГКЦ (CHC), 4-th floor).

Time of 14.30 – 16.00 h.

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Department of Family Medicine and Ambulatory Study

In 2007 under order No. 770, on the basis of the Cathedra of Family Medicine and Ambulatory Study the Cathedrae of Family Medicine and Ambulatory Study No.1 and No.2 were formed, and in 2008 the Cathedra No.2 was renamed to Cathedra of Ambulatory-Out-Patient Therapy.

Recently the reforms in Health care effected in collaboration with International organizations are intended to support the primary health care aiming the medical care efficacy improvement and health care system rationalization (including in-patient care contraction) by decreasing of the number of diseases requiring the hospitalization.

The team of Cathedra at the moment of establishment was formed out of experienced teachers, specialized doctors having the rich theoretical and practical experience in medical education: Since 2010 Head of the Cathedra,D.M.Sc. Prof. Issayeva B.G. chairs the Department of Therapeutic Faculty of KazNMU; Assistant Professors: C.M.Sc. Kaliyeva G.A., C.M.Sc. Khabizhanova V.B., C.M.Sc. Yakushenko E.S., C.M.Sc. GabdulinaG.Kh.; assistants: Abdrakhmanova N.M., Dilmanova D.S., Saparbayeva M.M., Amanzholova A.S., KaiyrgaliSh.M., Nogayeva M.G., Nezhdanova S.A.

Cathedral Residence by specialty “Rheumatology” was graduated by Akhmettayeva A.B., Borzova S.A.; by specialty “General Practice Doctor” was graduated by Assyltayeva A.B., Kim A.N. The new recruitment to the Residence is conducted annually, mostly budget based.

At Cathedra the lectures, practical classes in Ambulatory-out-patient therapy are conducted with students of 4th and 5th accelerated courses, 5th and 6th courses of therapeutic faculty, 5th and 6th courses “Oriental medicine” of pediatric faculty; the lectures and practical classes in Rheumatology are conducted in 4th course under training in Internal diseases. Students of 6th and 5th courses, including “Surgery”, “Obstetrics” underwent to the training-professional practice in “Assistant of the Primary Care Physician”. During the academic year the Cathedra provides the training for about 1200-1300 students.

The clinical bases of the Cathedra are:

1.“Educational-Clinical Center of KaNMUn.a. S.D.Asfendiyarov”;

2. State municipal management enterprises State out-patient clinics No.5, 8, 11, 16, 18;

3. Joint Center;

4. SRC of Cardiology and Internal Diseases;

5. Clinics “Zhan”.

The Scientific direction of the Cathedra: Improvement of diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, including joint and connective tissue diseases.

Severalinternational and republic scientificprojectsareperformedattheCathedra.

Currently there are 2 doctoral and 5 candidate theses are performed at the Cathedra. Assistant Nogayeva M.G. on 26.02.2010 has defended the candidate thesis by topic: “Clinical peculiarities and treatment optimization in reactive arthritis” (14.00.39 – Rheumatology).

International relations of the Cathedra are based on stable collaboration with the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science (RAMS), European and Asian League of Rheumatologists. Cathedral workers annually participate in scientificpractical conferences of the Institute of Rheumatology of the RAMS, international congresses (Japan, Austria, Spain, Denmark, France, and Turkey). Cathedra provides the considerable contribution into organization of workshops, conferences, congresses which are conducted in the city and in the republic with participation of scientists from regions of Russia, Central Asia etc.

Professor Issayeva B.G. is a Vice-President of the Asia and KazakhstanAssociation of Rheumatology, member of Association of Rheumatology of Russia. Assistant Professor GabdulinaG.Kh. is a President of the Kazakhstan Association of Osteoporosis, member of the board of Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, member of Russian Association of Osteoporosis.

For several years the “Osteoporosis Day” is conductedin out-patient clinics of Almaty under supervision of Assist.Prof. GabdulinaG.Kh.

The Cathedra conducts the continued medical education program for Professors and teachers not only under training-production plan, but also beyond it. On the basis of the Institute of Rheumatology of RAMS (Moscow) the staff members of Cathedra: assistants Amanzholova A.S., Saparbayeva M.M., Dilmanova D.S., Tuleutayeva S.A., Essirkepova G.S. have finished the topical refinement by “Rheumatology” specialty.

The teachers of the Cathedra are actively conduct the inventive activity and introduction of the scientific achievements of the Cathedra.

During the last year the following preliminary patents were obtained:

1. Innovation patentNo.19788. The method of treatment of osteoarthrosis in patients with thyroid hypofunction.SaparbayevaМ.М., Issayeva B.G.., Polimbetov D.S.Patent No.19668, 2008

2. The method of treatment of the reactive arthritis. Authors: Nogayeva M.G., IssayevaB.G..– PreliminarypatentNo.2007/0058:1

3. Innovation patent No.20495.2008. “The method of bon emineral density disorders in patients with osteoarthrosis associated with hypothyroidism”SaparbayevaМ.М.

Methodical and publishing work is reflected in methodical recommendations in Nephrology, Rheumatologyforpracticingdoctors and students, authors of which are Assist. Prof. Khabizhanova V.B., Professor IssayevaB.G., in articles of republic and international medical journals. Special attention is deserved by study guide“Issues of clinical rheumatology”, 2009 written by D.M.Sc. ProfessorIssayeva B.G.

At the Cathedra the significant attention is paid to the scientific-research work of the students. In2009-2010 academic year the scientific work of the student Aidarova A. (Supervisor is assistantSaparbayevaМ.М.) “Risk factor identification using minute testin females with osteoporosis” took the first place at the “Science Day”, and the scientific work of the student Suyumbayeva G.M. “Efficacy of combined therapy of rheumatoid arthritis associated with viral infection: CMV (cytomegalovirus) and HSV (Herpes simplex virus)” (Supervisor is assistant Tuleutayeva S.A.) took the first place at the 2 stage of the Conference of SRW of students.

An important part of activities of Professors and teachers of Cathedra is the clinical and consultative work, which is performed not only at the clinical basis, but at Almaty and republic levels.Cathedra includes two “Outstanding medical practitioners”, doctors of highest and first categories. Cathedral workers are initiators of implementation of reforms into practical healthcare with support of ambulatory day hospitals.Leading specialists of the Cathedra conduct consultations in maternity hospitals, intensive care units and other in-patient clinics of Almaty.

Cathedral workers firstly in Kazakhstan have initiated and continue the implementation of innovative methods of treatment of rheumatic diseases. ProfessorIssayeva B.G.hasimplemented thebiological products – monoclonal antibodies (Mabtera, Remikeid) in treatment of group of severe systemic rheumatic diseases. Nowadays,thescientificwork in using of new and more modern biological products in treatment of patients iscontinued.ProfessorIssayeva B.G.andassistant Tuleutayeva S.A. have been participating in International clinical program “Freedom” conducted first time in Kazakhstan (April – June 2010) by “Hoffmann la Roche” Company, integrated the considerable contribution into conduction of this study, and accordingly, into development of Kazakhstan science.

Morale building activity is conducted by Cathedral workers by directions in accordance with KazNMU development strategy: performance control, ethical and mental, patriotic and ideological, professional and legal education; healthy lifestyle outreach.

SinceSeptember 2007 the Cathedra is conductedt he professional training course “Selected Rheumatology issues” for practicing doctors and teachers. Fortimeelapsedabout 50 doctors completed the topical refinement.

Being the structural department of the University, theCathedra of Ambulatory-Out-Patient Therapy actively participates in fulfillment of the University development strategy for next years, worthy maintains and enriches the university’s traditions, continuously grows up and develops theoretically, supports the creative spirit and business cooperation, mutual understanding and respect, persistently participates in development of new competitive generation of young doctors and scientists.

List of teaching staff in the department of diseases of nervous system and neurosurgery


Post title

Academic degree

Code and  title of scientific specialty

Obtaining of diploma


Nurgujaev Erken Smagulovich Head of department, professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system


[email protected]
Idrisova Zhanat Sustemovna professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system

140009 – pediatrics


Klipiskaya Nina Konstatinovna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Izbasarova Akmaral Shaimerdenovna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Kalmeneva Irina Mukhamedjanovna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Raimkulov Bekmurat Nametovich professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system


Mukhambetova Gulnar Amerzaevna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Mitrikhin Dmitrii Alekseevich instructor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


10 Nurjanova Rosa Baltabaevna instructor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


11 Turuspekova Saule Tleubergenovna associate professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system


12 Dubchev Damir Eldosovich instructor

candidate of medical science

140028 – neurosurgery


13 Karimova Altinai Sagidulaevna instructor

candidate of medical science

030013 – physiology


14 Nurlibaeva Gulnaz Ashatovnа instructor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


15 Iliev Renat Tuglukovich ассистент

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Head of department of diseases of nervous system and neurosurgery

professor.                                                                                                                                           Nurgujaev Е. S.

Поисковые слова:

Department of Nervous Diseases

The Department of Nervous Diseases was established in Kazakh Medical Institute in 1934. It`s founder and the first director was Professor Evsey Moiseevich Steblov (1934-1956 gg.). He began the work with only one assistant and one analyst. Then, the department expanded and he created a team of experienced teachers. Successor to Prof. E.M.Steblov was Prof. Mukhametzhan Khakimovich Fariz (1957-1976 gg.). From January 1977 to August 2000 the department was headed by Professor Smagul Kayshibaevich Kayshibaev, and then from September 1, 2000 to September 8, 2004 by Professor Bolat Amenovich Abeuov. Recently, the Head of department is Professor Erkyn Smagulovich Nurguzhaev.

Nowadays there are 20 people in staff (the head of department, two professors, six associate professors, 12 assistants), including 2 professors, 4 doctors (full MD) and 13 candidates of sciences (PhD).

Students from medical, pediatric, dental and health-care faculties study there. Through the residency and postgraduate programs on the basis of this Department were trained thousands of experienced clinicians, neurologists, 12 doctors and 50 candidates (5 of them headed the department of neurology at medical universities in Almaty, Astana, Karaganda, Shymkent and Aktobe).

There worked worldwide known scientists and neurologists: Associate Professor R.G. Mandryka (she had been heading the Department of nervous diseases in Karaganda Medical Institute for 24 years (1951-1975)), Associate Professor Z.M. Bryantseva (she had been leading the Department of Nervous Diseases State Institute of improvement of doctors in Alma-Ata for 5 years (1975-1980)), I. Giants (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy in Pyatigorsk), B.A. Atchabarov (National Academy of Sciences of RK, also he had been working as Dean of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of regional pathology for 30 years).

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.P. Kasatkina made a great contribution in education of professionals and scientists neurologists in Kazakhstan. Also she worked about 10 years at the Department of Nervous Diseases in ASMI and had been heading the Department of Nervous diseases in the Alma-Ata Institute for Advanced Medicals for 10 years (1965-1975).

Total number of scientific publications, made by employee is more than 500. 14 collections of 12 books, more than 100 guidelines, 5 manuals, 2 textbooks for students in Russian and Kazakh, Russian-Kazakh dictionary of neurological terms were published, more than 20 authors’ certificates for inventions and innovations for more than 30 were received.

Department of Surgical Diseases No. 3

Deportment was established in 1954 on a faculty department`s of surgery sanitary gigienic and pediatric specialties. Since 2004 the surgery department chares by Professor Ibadildin A.S.

The field of study projects witch this department  maintains is immensely wide. There are a science projects development as well it includes cardiovascular   surgery, portal vein hypertension and acute abdomen. On this base was created a school of surgeries.  Now days the  surgery department of surgical diseases keep th3s traditions levant to rapidly changing progress in   science and surgical practice.  Today the amount of teachers counts people among them: doctors of medical science -4, medical science candidates 6.

Our doctors professors and assistants are proudly representing Kazakh Medical University on surgical Congresses, and practical Conferences. In the year 2009 our  University organized a meeting called on which were represented a mater3al for The day of KazNMU Conference on the problems of  “Peritonitis”. Our deportment Took a pert in “vise world Congresses of surgeon’s – Hepatologis “.  Among the practice and teaching woks we on publishing issues realizing our science potential  in order to create new doctors recourses  teachers.

Department of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology

For the first time an independent course of tuberculosis was organized in 1935 (Order № 109 of October 23, 1935) and «as an exemplary teacher and a researcher for the post of Lecturer was nominated Baigurin Alzhan Mahmudovich.

He had a good command of the literary and scientific Kazakh and Russian, and was published in two languages. Education and highly regarded performance of the young scientist highly valued in the medical school, but in 1938 he was arrested and died.  He fully rehabilitated in 1956.

Tuberculosis  Department of the Kazakh National Medical University was organized November 12, 1941 by order of the Committee on Higher Education SNK on November 4, 1941 № 137.

The first chair was Professor MR.Borok who evacuated during World War II from Leningrad, Associate Professor — SE.Nezlin, assistants —   EA Trailix and ME.Morozov   In later years the department was headed by:

  • Distinguished Physician and Honored Scientist Prof. RK Vasily Zyuzin (1943-1964),
  • Associate Professor Adiken Nurkeevich Khasenov (1964 — 1975),
  • Academician and Vice President of the Academy of Natural Sciences of RK, Professor Kuanysh Mubarakovich Maskeev (1975-1996),
  • Academician of Sciences, Academy of Medical Sciences, Hamburg Academy of Medicine and Prevention, the Polish Academy of Medicine, president of the Association of Kazakhstan phthisiologists Professor Talgat Ashirovich Muminov (1996-2002),
  • since 2002 — MD, Professor Rakisheva  Anar Saduakasovna.

Currently, the department has: Head — Professor A. Rakisheva, Academician T. Muminov, Honored Scientist Prof. RK KM Maskeev; MD, NA Beysebaev; Accusative Professors: BS Dyusenbekov, NS Syzdykova, BT. Kumisbaeva, SS.Salimova, LSh.Kasenova, FA Iskakova, AG Isayeva; assistants — candidate of medical sciences: VV Shatskikh, CH T. Nurkabaev, GU.Esetova, GS Erkenova, UT Makulbaeva; assistants: GA Auelbekova, SK Zhumabayeva, JM Dautova, N.R.Seythanova; trainees- teachers Y Kostyukevich,  GD Algazieva; residents  AJ Abubakirov, GD Ryskulov; Senior Assistant AH Ishingalieva, Assistant G.Bayzhanova.

They are active in teaching and educational process, and also in the international scientific life, make presentations and communications at international congresses and symposia, published in foreign journals.

The training process are used active learning methods, such as small group work, the method of «round table», «brainstorming», an analysis of a critical situation.

To increase the effectiveness of the educational process is applied teaching computer science — the using of new capabilities of information technology such as electronic books — «International standards of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis,» clinical and radiographic atlas Muminov T. «Pulmonary tuberculosis and its differential diagnosis,» videos, some of which are established teachers of the department, «Tutorial radiographs demonstrating various clinical forms of tuberculosis on a compact disk CD», «Prevention of Tuberculosis in Children», «Microscopy of acid-fast bacilli», «Asthma — global strategy. «»COPD — diagnosis and treatment», «Thoracoscopy — diagnosis and treatment,» which improves the absorption of practical skills, improves the quality and level of knowledge.

All members of the department were trained on «Innovative Technologies in Medical Education» for «evidence-based medicine», «Computer Literacy». The Department is also involved in postgraduate professional development of physicians on Phthisiology, training medical interns GPs, internists, pediatricians and residents.

Research-Scientific work at the department is hold in different areas of theoretical and practical Phthisiology. The department performs NTP MOH RK “Development of measures for the prevention of tuberculosis with different types of drug resistance» together with the National Center of Tuberculosis Problems. Research –Scientific work performed by the grant of the First President of RK «Students — at risk of tuberculosis.»

Scientific advances implemented in the city, region and different regions of Kazakhstan.

Over the last year received 2 patents for inventions and published two articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Educational and clinical bases of Phthisiopulmonology Department are: National Centre of Problems Tuberculosis and AOA RK MSD Railway Hospital.

As part of the documentary days, the department has recently conducted the following conferences:

  • Devoted to the 80th anniversary of Professor KM Maskeev (14/02/12)
  • Dedicated to the memory of Professor Joffe L.TS. (03/30/12)
  • scientific student conference devoted on the 130th anniversary of the opening of the causative agent of tuberculosis (29/03/12)
  • Patriotic student conference on the Afghan soldiers (2/17/12).

Department staff prepared a course of six grade students and conducted a conference with them in other universities of the Almaty city in issues on the detection and prevention of tuberculosis (KazNTU. KI Satpayev (04/12/12) KazNEU named Abaya (11/04/12) KazFEU (21.04. 12)

The main objectives of the department were and still are — improving the educational process by optimizing and intensifying training methods, the development and introduction of efficient methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis and nonspecific lung diseases, as well as training of the research -teaching staff.

Course of Allergology

The course of allergology was established by the order (№ 45 of 08.09.2011 years) Rector KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarov.
The staff of the course consists of 2 doctors of sciences, five assistants, two laboratory assistants. The head of the course since its organization is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor — Ispaeva Janat Bahitovna.

Ispaeva Janat Bahitovna

Ispaeva Bahitovna Janat — MD, Professor, Chief freelance children’s allergist MH RK. Author of 150 publications, 10 methodical recommendations on major issues of allergy and a textbook on children’s allergy in the official language.
Holder of eleven international conference «Asthma and Allergies» with the participation of leading experts and abroad in the field of allergy with worldwide reputations.
Chief editor of five collections of abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference «Asthma and Allergies.»

Director and coordinator of the national scientific and practical programs for asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis (1999, 2004, 2005, 2007). Drawn up in accordance with international recommendations of GINA, ARIA, ICCAD.
Member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) in 1997 — WAO (World Congress of allergological). A member of the State Certification Commission for the Designation of medical categories.

She was awarded the badge «Kazakstan Respublikasy densaulyқ saktau іsіnің үzdіgі.» Repeatedly awarded a diploma KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarov KazNMU and a silver medal dedicated to the 80th anniversary.

In the course of allergy at the moment there are three clinical sites.

GCE "Urban children's polyclinic № 7" - is located at ul. S. Kaldayakov 74. is the main base of the course allergy.

Republican Children's Clinical Hospital "Aksai" - located at the village of Karasai District Tastybulak

SCE "City Clinical Hospital № 1" - located at MCR. Kalkaman-2 ul.Auezova 2.

On these bases with students 5, 6 courses. At clinical sites, our specialists experienced teachers, medical specialists Allergy higher, the first category, with extensive theoretical and practical experience in medical education: are also allergenic medical advice to patients. In the city allergotsentre (GDATS) at «GFC number 7» is medical advice throughout the urban child population in the clinical basis RCCH «Aksai» — medical care is provided to children and their parents to the Republican scale, based on allergootdeleniya «Clinical Hospital № 1» is Kalkaman medical assistance to the adult population of the city of Almaty.


Поисковые слова:

Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1

The department of surgical diseases No. 1 (former faculty) is formed in 1933г. Professor Ilya Simovich Bakkal (1878) — the graduate of the Leningrad army medical academy was appointed the first head of the department.

Since 1951 chair the honored worker of a science, the professor heads ended Odessa medical institute. A.B. Rayz was the permanent head of the department within 25 years. He created own school of surgeons. Among them prominent surgeons of the country — academician M.A.Aliyev, professors A.A.Suleymenov, N.I.Voldko, E.A.Apsatarov, N.S.Almukhambetova, K.I.Ibrayev, M.S.Sabitov, K.T.Kaliyev’s assistant professors, and etc.

Professor A. B. Rayz

In 1966г. from chair of faculty surgery the chair of surgical diseases of stomatologic faculty which was headed by student A.B.Rayz, the remarkable surgeon, the scientist and the teacher of prof. A.A.Suleymenov gemmated.

Professor. A.A.Suleymenov.

After appointment him as directror scientific research institute of oncology and radiology, professor Aliyev M. became heads of the department of faculty surgery,

Professor Aliyev M.A.


(1976г.) which worked till 1980. After his leaving to a position of the director of SCS of akkad. A.N. Syzganov headed chair professor M. K. Kulanbayev (1980-1985),

Professor M. K.Kulanbayev

and then prof. Sh.N.Abdullaev (1985-1995). All of them brought the contribution in chair development.

Professor. Sh.N. Abdullaev

In 1995 to a position of the head of the department on competition the academician of academy of preventive medicine, was selected the doctor of medical sciences, professor A.Zh. Nurmakov.

Professor A.Z. Nurmakov


A.Zh. Nurmakov has ended the Karaganda state medical institute in 1965. Labour activity of the beginnings in rural local hospital. In 1967-71 is the aspirant of chair of surgical diseases АGMI (nowadays KazNMU of S.D.Asfendijarov). In 1971 after protection of the candidate dissertation he has been left by the assistant to chair, and in 1976 is selected the senior lecturer of the given chair.

During 1986-89 hi is doctoral candidate of chair of the general surgery 1 of  Leningrad medical institute of acad. I.P.Pavlov (nowadays St.-Petersburg medical university. acad. I.P.Pavlov’s). In 1989 after successful protection there the thesis for a doctor’s degree comes back to native chair and works as the professor of chair (1990-95гг.)

Since 1995 on competition has been selected as head of department and till now heads chair. He was selected by the full member of Academy of preventive medicine RК (1996), the full member of Association of surgeons of N.I.Pirogov of the UNDS (1997). A.Z. Nurmakov the author more than 140 scientific works. From them 5 monographies, 4 textbooks and some manuals, published in the kazakh and russian languages. He’s a member of the Academic council, chairman НППК on surgical disciplines, a member of terminological committee at MH RK, editorial board groups on medicine of the encyclopedia «Kazakhstan», etc.

From 1995 till the present on chair came capable youth Bajmahanov A.N., Kaliaskarov E.Sh., Nurmakov D.A., Ahmedzhanova G. A. which have protected candidate dissertations, became senior lecturers of chair. Kaliaskarov E.Sh. and Nurmakov D.A. senior lecturers protected doctor’s dissertation in 2010.

On chair candidate dissertation in a state language for the first time have been protected (Bajmahanov A.N. and the citizen from the Peoples Republic of China by Zhasan Zekej). Zh. Zekej, nowadays the citizen of Republic Kazakhstan, is the recognized expert in east medicine. In December, 2009 the medal and a cloak of the honourable professor of the Viennese university is handed over it, it is selected by the academician of the International academy on east medicine. Now he heads the East Tibetan Center «Zhasay» (Almaty).

A.N. Bajmahanov the senior lecturer of chair, the skilled teacher, the surgeon. Last years on chair the perspective youth, submitting has come great expectations (c.m.s. K.O.Sabirov, c.m.s. Zh.S.Alzhanova, A.Elikbayev, M. Nadyrov, E.A.Aubakirov, D.T. Dzhumataev, B.K. Mukashev).

Successfully assistants Kaliyev A.K. work over the candidate dissertations and Nadyrov M. T. The main scientific subject of chair – pathogenetic bases, features of clinic, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of a surgical infection as a whole and at patients with drug addiction, in particular.

The staff of chair published monographs, textbooks and manuals, methodical recommendations in the state and Russian languages, more than 200 articles and theses in editions of the near and far abroad are published. There are more than 10 patents, improvement suggestions. Scientific achievements are introduced in practical health care (patents, methodical recommendations, introduction acts).

On chair students, clinical interns of all-medical, pediatric and stomatologic faculties, and also young men and girls from India, Pakistan, Japan and other countries which successfully work in the own countries.

Clinical base of chair is the surgical office of CCH №4 (the main doctor-c.m.s. Amanov A.T.). The office renders the emergency and planned surgical and advisory help, mainly, to inhabitants of Zhetysu and Turksib districts of Almaty. In office all modern types of surgeries, including with use of modern technology (endovideosurgery) are carried out. In applied medicine new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of a number of surgical diseases and postoperative complications supported with patents RK, introduction acts, methodical recommendations are introduced.

Staff of the department


Staff of chair at the International conference, in the center prof. Galperin E.I. and prof. Nurmakov A.Zh.

Department chair prof. Nurmakov A.Zh. on round with the staff of chair and students

Akhmedzhanov G. A. associate professor. and assistant Nadyrov M. T. on operation of a laparotomichesky holetsistektomiya.


LIST the staff of chair of surgical diseases No. 1 of KAZNMU of S. D. Asfendiyarov


First name, middle initial, last name

position position scientific degree


 Nurmakov A.Zh.

Department chair,




Nurmakov D. A.

Senior lecturer



Baymakhanov A.N.

Senior lecturer



Akhmedzhanova G. A.

Senior lecturer



Kaliaskarov E.Sh.

Senior lecturer



Kaliyev A.K.

the assistant


Nadyrov M. T.

the assistant


Elikbayev A.M.

the assistant


Alzhanova Zh.S.

the assistant



Sabirov K.O.

the assistant



Mukashev. B.K.

Senior laboratory assistant


Izvozchicova N.A.

laboratory assistant


Aubakirov E.A.



Dzhumataev D.T.

resident резидент



Department chair of surgical diseases No. 1,

dms, professor Nurmakov A.Zh.

About a course of work on educational work on Department of Internal Diseases No. 3

In 2011-12 academic year our chair supervises 28 groups of students of the 6th course of medical faculty, of them 24 groups of the Kazakh office and 4 groups of Russian office. On the basis of the all-university plan the cathedral plan on educational work which included such works as civil and patriotic, legal and polycultural, spiritual and moral and esthetic education, and also events for anti-corruption work, for healthy lifestyle promotion were held was made.

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Рубрика: News

Department of Internal Diseases No. 2

Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov was founded in 2003. Head of the department is MSD, Professor Nazipa Aidargalieva, schoolgirl of the academician E.I. Chazov, professor N.M. Muharlyamov, and Corr. Member of Russian Academy Medical Science Yu. Belenkov.

Hospital No. 7 in Almaty is the main clinical base of the founding of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2. Hospital administration Department granted 7 classrooms for workshops with students. There is possibility to show students case patients in all offices of multi-profile hospital No. 7.  Since 2003, more than 8 thousand students of Kazakh National Medical University, had been trained at the clinical base of the hospital No.7, and many of the graduates are now working in different departments of the hospital. Professors, associate professors, and Professor Assistant of the department of Internal Diseases No. 2 advise and supervise patients admitted to the hospital in planned and urgent manner.

The staff members of the Department of Internal Diseases systematically accomplish consultative-diagnostic, curative and methodological work not only in the specialized field of the hospital therapeutic profile: therapeutic, departments of therapy, nephrology, hematology, endocrinology, neurology, but at intensive care, as well as all branches of surgery.

Since 2003, the staff members of the Department examined and treated more than 24 thousand patients. Head of the Department, professor Nazipa Aidargalieva advises seriously ill patients, have been actively involved in the pathology-anatomic conferences, review medical records of deceased persons as well as lectures to medical personnel of the hospital. Since 2003, more than 20 scientific and practical conferences based hospital No.7. The staff members of the Department take part in commissions on police complaints and letters from patients, inter-agency disputes, as well as other administrative situations.

Hospital doctors are actively involved in scientific research, followed by a joint publication in medical journals. Together with doctors office employees of faculty therapy internal medicine No. 2 has introduced innovative technologies for management of arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease such as 24-hours monitoring of ECG and arterial pressure.

Since 2003, the members of the Department of Internal Diseases No.2 implemented more than 80 contemporary methods of treatment based on international guidelines and evidence-based medicine. Professor Nazipa Aidargalieva annually approves the report of the hospital therapeutic department and participates in the annual report for the Department of Health of Almaty.

Staff members of the Department are actively carried out methodological work. 15 textbooks and methodical recommendations were issued since 2003.

Since its Foundation, the Department successfully carried out research on current issues in therapy. Basic direction of scientific activity of the Department is to develop and improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases. The scientific direction is developing new methods of prevention and treatment of ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, and its combination with diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular diseases and others.

Employees of the Department were among the organizers of international congresses and conferences: in 2006 and in 2007 – the International Congresses on Gastroenterology; in 2010, the International Conference for the 80-th anniversary of Kazakh National Medical University on «Modern approaches in the treatment of coronary heart disease». Much work is being done by the Department in the regions of Kazakhstan. Since 2003, more than 50 scientific conferences on current issues in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases carry out in different regions of Kazakhstan.

The results of numerous scientific works are reported on international and national conferences and meetings on various issues of internal pathology. Thanks to research on a broad sector of diseases of internal organs 2 members of the Department supported academic status of MSD on Gastroenterology and Hematology, and others 5 — PhD theses on Therapy. Head of the Department, Professor Aidargalieva over the years is an Expert Committee for control and certification in the field of science and education of RK. As a physician-cardiologist of the highest category, Member of the Presidium of the Association of cardiologists of Kazakhstan, Member of the European Heart Failure Association, MSD, Professor Aidargalieva has annually participated in the work of the European society of cardiology. Students engaged in scientific researches repeatedly participated and took Prize-winning places at the Republican and University student’s conferences. In 2007, the scientific work of student Dilnar Ashirova «The effects of beta blockage with carvedilol on kidney hemodynamic in patients with arterial hypertension combined with type 2 diabetes” received 3 place in the 3 round of student’s scientific works and awarded diploma and valuable gift. At the Republican contest of research scientific work of student Gulzhan Nigmetova «Peculiarity of heavy pneumonia among residents of Almaty» awarded a 3-third degree diploma of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduates of the Department work not only in Kazakhstan but also in the countries of near and far abroad.