Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1

The department of surgical diseases No. 1 (former faculty) is formed in 1933г. Professor Ilya Simovich Bakkal (1878) — the graduate of the Leningrad army medical academy was appointed the first head of the department.

Since 1951 chair the honored worker of a science, the professor heads ended Odessa medical institute. A.B. Rayz was the permanent head of the department within 25 years. He created own school of surgeons. Among them prominent surgeons of the country — academician M.A.Aliyev, professors A.A.Suleymenov, N.I.Voldko, E.A.Apsatarov, N.S.Almukhambetova, K.I.Ibrayev, M.S.Sabitov, K.T.Kaliyev’s assistant professors, and etc.

Professor A. B. Rayz

In 1966г. from chair of faculty surgery the chair of surgical diseases of stomatologic faculty which was headed by student A.B.Rayz, the remarkable surgeon, the scientist and the teacher of prof. A.A.Suleymenov gemmated.

Professor. A.A.Suleymenov.

After appointment him as directror scientific research institute of oncology and radiology, professor Aliyev M. became heads of the department of faculty surgery,

Professor Aliyev M.A.


(1976г.) which worked till 1980. After his leaving to a position of the director of SCS of akkad. A.N. Syzganov headed chair professor M. K. Kulanbayev (1980-1985),

Professor M. K.Kulanbayev

and then prof. Sh.N.Abdullaev (1985-1995). All of them brought the contribution in chair development.

Professor. Sh.N. Abdullaev

In 1995 to a position of the head of the department on competition the academician of academy of preventive medicine, was selected the doctor of medical sciences, professor A.Zh. Nurmakov.

Professor A.Z. Nurmakov


A.Zh. Nurmakov has ended the Karaganda state medical institute in 1965. Labour activity of the beginnings in rural local hospital. In 1967-71 is the aspirant of chair of surgical diseases АGMI (nowadays KazNMU of S.D.Asfendijarov). In 1971 after protection of the candidate dissertation he has been left by the assistant to chair, and in 1976 is selected the senior lecturer of the given chair.

During 1986-89 hi is doctoral candidate of chair of the general surgery 1 of  Leningrad medical institute of acad. I.P.Pavlov (nowadays St.-Petersburg medical university. acad. I.P.Pavlov’s). In 1989 after successful protection there the thesis for a doctor’s degree comes back to native chair and works as the professor of chair (1990-95гг.)

Since 1995 on competition has been selected as head of department and till now heads chair. He was selected by the full member of Academy of preventive medicine RК (1996), the full member of Association of surgeons of N.I.Pirogov of the UNDS (1997). A.Z. Nurmakov the author more than 140 scientific works. From them 5 monographies, 4 textbooks and some manuals, published in the kazakh and russian languages. He’s a member of the Academic council, chairman НППК on surgical disciplines, a member of terminological committee at MH RK, editorial board groups on medicine of the encyclopedia «Kazakhstan», etc.

From 1995 till the present on chair came capable youth Bajmahanov A.N., Kaliaskarov E.Sh., Nurmakov D.A., Ahmedzhanova G. A. which have protected candidate dissertations, became senior lecturers of chair. Kaliaskarov E.Sh. and Nurmakov D.A. senior lecturers protected doctor’s dissertation in 2010.

On chair candidate dissertation in a state language for the first time have been protected (Bajmahanov A.N. and the citizen from the Peoples Republic of China by Zhasan Zekej). Zh. Zekej, nowadays the citizen of Republic Kazakhstan, is the recognized expert in east medicine. In December, 2009 the medal and a cloak of the honourable professor of the Viennese university is handed over it, it is selected by the academician of the International academy on east medicine. Now he heads the East Tibetan Center «Zhasay» (Almaty).

A.N. Bajmahanov the senior lecturer of chair, the skilled teacher, the surgeon. Last years on chair the perspective youth, submitting has come great expectations (c.m.s. K.O.Sabirov, c.m.s. Zh.S.Alzhanova, A.Elikbayev, M. Nadyrov, E.A.Aubakirov, D.T. Dzhumataev, B.K. Mukashev).

Successfully assistants Kaliyev A.K. work over the candidate dissertations and Nadyrov M. T. The main scientific subject of chair – pathogenetic bases, features of clinic, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of a surgical infection as a whole and at patients with drug addiction, in particular.

The staff of chair published monographs, textbooks and manuals, methodical recommendations in the state and Russian languages, more than 200 articles and theses in editions of the near and far abroad are published. There are more than 10 patents, improvement suggestions. Scientific achievements are introduced in practical health care (patents, methodical recommendations, introduction acts).

On chair students, clinical interns of all-medical, pediatric and stomatologic faculties, and also young men and girls from India, Pakistan, Japan and other countries which successfully work in the own countries.

Clinical base of chair is the surgical office of CCH №4 (the main doctor-c.m.s. Amanov A.T.). The office renders the emergency and planned surgical and advisory help, mainly, to inhabitants of Zhetysu and Turksib districts of Almaty. In office all modern types of surgeries, including with use of modern technology (endovideosurgery) are carried out. In applied medicine new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of a number of surgical diseases and postoperative complications supported with patents RK, introduction acts, methodical recommendations are introduced.

Staff of the department


Staff of chair at the International conference, in the center prof. Galperin E.I. and prof. Nurmakov A.Zh.

Department chair prof. Nurmakov A.Zh. on round with the staff of chair and students

Akhmedzhanov G. A. associate professor. and assistant Nadyrov M. T. on operation of a laparotomichesky holetsistektomiya.


LIST the staff of chair of surgical diseases No. 1 of KAZNMU of S. D. Asfendiyarov


First name, middle initial, last name

position position scientific degree


 Nurmakov A.Zh.

Department chair,




Nurmakov D. A.

Senior lecturer



Baymakhanov A.N.

Senior lecturer



Akhmedzhanova G. A.

Senior lecturer



Kaliaskarov E.Sh.

Senior lecturer



Kaliyev A.K.

the assistant


Nadyrov M. T.

the assistant


Elikbayev A.M.

the assistant


Alzhanova Zh.S.

the assistant



Sabirov K.O.

the assistant



Mukashev. B.K.

Senior laboratory assistant


Izvozchicova N.A.

laboratory assistant


Aubakirov E.A.



Dzhumataev D.T.

resident резидент



Department chair of surgical diseases No. 1,

dms, professor Nurmakov A.Zh.

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