
Name of teacher

Group number


















Iskakov B.S.

001-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 04.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Sheriyazdan J.S.

005-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
012-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 04.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Toksanbaeva G.T.

003-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
009-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
015-1,2,3,4 к. 04.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Sabirbaeva G.A.

002-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.

Semenova R.I.

022-1,2,3 р. 03.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

08.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 14.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

17.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 22.05.12 г.

Gabbasova E.Z.

022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

03.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 08.05.12 г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

14.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 17.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 22.05.12 г.










Interpretation of analyses and measurement of BP



Sabirbaeva G.A.

001-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3, к. 20.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 25.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 07.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Saylanova D.K.

002-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
005-1,2,3 к. 20.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 25.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 07.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Sheriyazdan J.S.

012-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
015 -1,2,3,4 к. 07.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Toksanbaeva G.T.

003-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 20.04.12 г.

Iskakov B.S.

009-1,2,3 к 25.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.

Enokyan S.G.

022-1,2,3 р. 04.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

10.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 15.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

18.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 23.05.12 г.

Chumbalova A.S.

022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

04.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 10.05.12г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

15.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 18.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 23.05.12 г.






























Zimanova G.S.

001-1,2,3 к. 18.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 08.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 24.05.12 г.

Almuhambetova R.K.

002-1,2,3 к. 18.04.12 г.
005-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
015-1,2,3,4 к. 08.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05. 12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.

Bekisheva A.S.

003-1,2, 3 к. 18.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
009-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
012-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 08.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 21.05.12 г.

Popelnaya L.A.

022-1,2,3 р. 07.05.12 г.
022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

08.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

11.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 14.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 16.05.12 г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

17.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

21.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 24.05.12 г.


Venue: Chair of internal diseases №3 (on a clinical basis – ГКЦ (CHC), 4-th floor).

Time of 14.30 – 16.00 h.

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6 апреля 2012 г. прошел 3-й тур конкурса научно-студенческих работ

6 апреля 2012 г. прошел 3-й тур конкурса научно-студенческих работ. В нем приняли участие победители 2-го тура. Все 3 работы вновь заняли призовые места:

2-ое место – стендовый доклад: «Анализ течения и лечения хронической обструктивной болезни легких по данным пульмонологического отделения ГКБ №1 г. Алматы» на государственном языке. Исполнитель – Дошманова Сауле, студентка группы 06-016-03. Научные руководители: доцент Бекишева А.С., ассистент Сайланова Д.К.

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Поисковые слова:

«Обмен студентами»

26.03. 2012 г. Студенты  Кыргызской Государственной Медицинской Академии имени И.К. Ахунбаева приняли участие во втором туре «Дня науки» лечебного факультета:

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Международный Конгресс «Здоровье для всех: профилактика, лечение, реабилитация» (26-28 апреля 2012 года)

Сотрудники кафедры инфекционных и тропических болезней КазНМУ им. С.Д.Асфендиярова посетили Международный Конгресс «Здоровье для всех: профилактика, лечение, реабилитация» (26-28 апреля 2012 года), который прошел в Алматинском государственном институте усовершенствования врачей. Организацию и проведение Конгресса осуществил Инновационный образовательный консорциум. В работе Конгресса приняли участие ведущие ученые и специалисты из многих стран: США, Италия, Франция, Израиль, Чехия, Россия, Белоруссия, Узбекистан, Украина и др.

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Внедрение в учебный процесс и инновационные методы обучения

На кафедре инфекционных и тропических болезней с курсом «ВИЧ-инфекция и инфекционный контроль» в учебном процессе используются интерактивные методы обучения. Так, во время прохождения обучения на кафедре студентами  3 курса стоматологического факультета (группа 006-2 р) освоен метод кластерного анализа, который применялся при изучении темы занятия №3 «Парентеральные вирусные гепатиты». Суть метода заключается в подготовке обучающихся к восприятию новой информации. Для этого студентам предлагается записать на листе бумаги или на доске ключевое слово или предложение (изучаемую проблему), в данном случае «Вирусные гепатиты», далее предлагается обучающимся записывать термины, которые связаны с данной проблемой. По мере накопления информации студенты совместно с преподавателем устанавливают связи между понятиями и идеями, которые были предложены обучающимися. Важна роль преподавателя в данном интерактиве, необходимо записывать все идеи и мнения по проблеме занятия, не комментировать о качестве идей, принимать все представленные идеи, при необходимости направлять студентов на выбор правильных идей. Время на составление кластерного метода группой — 20 минут. Далее идет разбор темы занятия.  В завершении занятия предлагается студентам индивидуальное составление кластеров с последующей работой в парах или тройках, т.е. в малых группах. Данный метод интерактивного обучения позволяет развивать у обучающихся вариативность клинического мышления.

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Поисковые слова:

Department of Family Medicine and Ambulatory Study

In 2007 under order No. 770, on the basis of the Cathedra of Family Medicine and Ambulatory Study the Cathedrae of Family Medicine and Ambulatory Study No.1 and No.2 were formed, and in 2008 the Cathedra No.2 was renamed to Cathedra of Ambulatory-Out-Patient Therapy.

Recently the reforms in Health care effected in collaboration with International organizations are intended to support the primary health care aiming the medical care efficacy improvement and health care system rationalization (including in-patient care contraction) by decreasing of the number of diseases requiring the hospitalization.

The team of Cathedra at the moment of establishment was formed out of experienced teachers, specialized doctors having the rich theoretical and practical experience in medical education: Since 2010 Head of the Cathedra,D.M.Sc. Prof. Issayeva B.G. chairs the Department of Therapeutic Faculty of KazNMU; Assistant Professors: C.M.Sc. Kaliyeva G.A., C.M.Sc. Khabizhanova V.B., C.M.Sc. Yakushenko E.S., C.M.Sc. GabdulinaG.Kh.; assistants: Abdrakhmanova N.M., Dilmanova D.S., Saparbayeva M.M., Amanzholova A.S., KaiyrgaliSh.M., Nogayeva M.G., Nezhdanova S.A.

Cathedral Residence by specialty “Rheumatology” was graduated by Akhmettayeva A.B., Borzova S.A.; by specialty “General Practice Doctor” was graduated by Assyltayeva A.B., Kim A.N. The new recruitment to the Residence is conducted annually, mostly budget based.

At Cathedra the lectures, practical classes in Ambulatory-out-patient therapy are conducted with students of 4th and 5th accelerated courses, 5th and 6th courses of therapeutic faculty, 5th and 6th courses “Oriental medicine” of pediatric faculty; the lectures and practical classes in Rheumatology are conducted in 4th course under training in Internal diseases. Students of 6th and 5th courses, including “Surgery”, “Obstetrics” underwent to the training-professional practice in “Assistant of the Primary Care Physician”. During the academic year the Cathedra provides the training for about 1200-1300 students.

The clinical bases of the Cathedra are:

1.“Educational-Clinical Center of KaNMUn.a. S.D.Asfendiyarov”;

2. State municipal management enterprises State out-patient clinics No.5, 8, 11, 16, 18;

3. Joint Center;

4. SRC of Cardiology and Internal Diseases;

5. Clinics “Zhan”.

The Scientific direction of the Cathedra: Improvement of diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, including joint and connective tissue diseases.

Severalinternational and republic scientificprojectsareperformedattheCathedra.

Currently there are 2 doctoral and 5 candidate theses are performed at the Cathedra. Assistant Nogayeva M.G. on 26.02.2010 has defended the candidate thesis by topic: “Clinical peculiarities and treatment optimization in reactive arthritis” (14.00.39 – Rheumatology).

International relations of the Cathedra are based on stable collaboration with the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science (RAMS), European and Asian League of Rheumatologists. Cathedral workers annually participate in scientificpractical conferences of the Institute of Rheumatology of the RAMS, international congresses (Japan, Austria, Spain, Denmark, France, and Turkey). Cathedra provides the considerable contribution into organization of workshops, conferences, congresses which are conducted in the city and in the republic with participation of scientists from regions of Russia, Central Asia etc.

Professor Issayeva B.G. is a Vice-President of the Asia and KazakhstanAssociation of Rheumatology, member of Association of Rheumatology of Russia. Assistant Professor GabdulinaG.Kh. is a President of the Kazakhstan Association of Osteoporosis, member of the board of Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, member of Russian Association of Osteoporosis.

For several years the “Osteoporosis Day” is conductedin out-patient clinics of Almaty under supervision of Assist.Prof. GabdulinaG.Kh.

The Cathedra conducts the continued medical education program for Professors and teachers not only under training-production plan, but also beyond it. On the basis of the Institute of Rheumatology of RAMS (Moscow) the staff members of Cathedra: assistants Amanzholova A.S., Saparbayeva M.M., Dilmanova D.S., Tuleutayeva S.A., Essirkepova G.S. have finished the topical refinement by “Rheumatology” specialty.

The teachers of the Cathedra are actively conduct the inventive activity and introduction of the scientific achievements of the Cathedra.

During the last year the following preliminary patents were obtained:

1. Innovation patentNo.19788. The method of treatment of osteoarthrosis in patients with thyroid hypofunction.SaparbayevaМ.М., Issayeva B.G.., Polimbetov D.S.Patent No.19668, 2008

2. The method of treatment of the reactive arthritis. Authors: Nogayeva M.G., IssayevaB.G..– PreliminarypatentNo.2007/0058:1

3. Innovation patent No.20495.2008. “The method of bon emineral density disorders in patients with osteoarthrosis associated with hypothyroidism”SaparbayevaМ.М.

Methodical and publishing work is reflected in methodical recommendations in Nephrology, Rheumatologyforpracticingdoctors and students, authors of which are Assist. Prof. Khabizhanova V.B., Professor IssayevaB.G., in articles of republic and international medical journals. Special attention is deserved by study guide“Issues of clinical rheumatology”, 2009 written by D.M.Sc. ProfessorIssayeva B.G.

At the Cathedra the significant attention is paid to the scientific-research work of the students. In2009-2010 academic year the scientific work of the student Aidarova A. (Supervisor is assistantSaparbayevaМ.М.) “Risk factor identification using minute testin females with osteoporosis” took the first place at the “Science Day”, and the scientific work of the student Suyumbayeva G.M. “Efficacy of combined therapy of rheumatoid arthritis associated with viral infection: CMV (cytomegalovirus) and HSV (Herpes simplex virus)” (Supervisor is assistant Tuleutayeva S.A.) took the first place at the 2 stage of the Conference of SRW of students.

An important part of activities of Professors and teachers of Cathedra is the clinical and consultative work, which is performed not only at the clinical basis, but at Almaty and republic levels.Cathedra includes two “Outstanding medical practitioners”, doctors of highest and first categories. Cathedral workers are initiators of implementation of reforms into practical healthcare with support of ambulatory day hospitals.Leading specialists of the Cathedra conduct consultations in maternity hospitals, intensive care units and other in-patient clinics of Almaty.

Cathedral workers firstly in Kazakhstan have initiated and continue the implementation of innovative methods of treatment of rheumatic diseases. ProfessorIssayeva B.G.hasimplemented thebiological products – monoclonal antibodies (Mabtera, Remikeid) in treatment of group of severe systemic rheumatic diseases. Nowadays,thescientificwork in using of new and more modern biological products in treatment of patients iscontinued.ProfessorIssayeva B.G.andassistant Tuleutayeva S.A. have been participating in International clinical program “Freedom” conducted first time in Kazakhstan (April – June 2010) by “Hoffmann la Roche” Company, integrated the considerable contribution into conduction of this study, and accordingly, into development of Kazakhstan science.

Morale building activity is conducted by Cathedral workers by directions in accordance with KazNMU development strategy: performance control, ethical and mental, patriotic and ideological, professional and legal education; healthy lifestyle outreach.

SinceSeptember 2007 the Cathedra is conductedt he professional training course “Selected Rheumatology issues” for practicing doctors and teachers. Fortimeelapsedabout 50 doctors completed the topical refinement.

Being the structural department of the University, theCathedra of Ambulatory-Out-Patient Therapy actively participates in fulfillment of the University development strategy for next years, worthy maintains and enriches the university’s traditions, continuously grows up and develops theoretically, supports the creative spirit and business cooperation, mutual understanding and respect, persistently participates in development of new competitive generation of young doctors and scientists.

List of teaching staff in the department of diseases of nervous system and neurosurgery


Post title

Academic degree

Code and  title of scientific specialty

Obtaining of diploma


Nurgujaev Erken Smagulovich Head of department, professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system


[email protected]
Idrisova Zhanat Sustemovna professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system

140009 – pediatrics


Klipiskaya Nina Konstatinovna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Izbasarova Akmaral Shaimerdenovna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Kalmeneva Irina Mukhamedjanovna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Raimkulov Bekmurat Nametovich professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system


Mukhambetova Gulnar Amerzaevna associate professor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Mitrikhin Dmitrii Alekseevich instructor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


10 Nurjanova Rosa Baltabaevna instructor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


11 Turuspekova Saule Tleubergenovna associate professor


140013 – diseases of nervous system


12 Dubchev Damir Eldosovich instructor

candidate of medical science

140028 – neurosurgery


13 Karimova Altinai Sagidulaevna instructor

candidate of medical science

030013 – physiology


14 Nurlibaeva Gulnaz Ashatovnа instructor

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


15 Iliev Renat Tuglukovich ассистент

candidate of medical science

140013 – diseases of nervous system


Head of department of diseases of nervous system and neurosurgery

professor.                                                                                                                                           Nurgujaev Е. S.

Поисковые слова:

Список ППС кафедры нервных болезней и нейрохирургии


Занимаемая должность

Ученая степень

Шифр и название

научной спец-ти

Год получения



Нургужаев Еркен Смагулович Зав. кафедрой, профессор


140013 – нервные болезни


[email protected]
Идрисова Жанат Рустемовна профессор


140013 – нервные болезни

140009 – педиатрия


Клипицкая Нина Константиновна доцент


140013 – нервные болезни


Избасарова Акмарал Шаймерденовна доцент


140013 – нервные болезни


Кальменева Ирина Мухаметжановна доцент


140013 – нервные болезни


Раимкулов Бекмурат Наметович профессор


140013 – нервные болезни


Мухамбетова Гульнар Амерзаевна доцент


140013 – нервные болезни


Митрохин Дмитрий Алексеевич ассистент


140013 – нервные болезни


10 Нуржанова Роза Балтабаевна ассистент


140013 – нервные болезни


11 Туруспекова Сауле Тлеубергеновна доцент


140013 – нервные болезни


12 Дубчев Дамир Ильдусович ассистент


140028 – нейрохирургия


13 Каримова Алтынай Сагидулаевна ассистент


030013 – физиология


14 Нурлыбаева Гульназ Асхатовна ассистент


140013 – нервные болезни


15 Илиев Ренат Туглукович ассистент


140013 – нервные болезни


Зав.кафедрой нервных болезней и нейрохирургии

профессор, д.м.н.                                                                                                                                           Нургужаев Е.С.

Поисковые слова:

Department of Nervous Diseases

The Department of Nervous Diseases was established in Kazakh Medical Institute in 1934. It`s founder and the first director was Professor Evsey Moiseevich Steblov (1934-1956 gg.). He began the work with only one assistant and one analyst. Then, the department expanded and he created a team of experienced teachers. Successor to Prof. E.M.Steblov was Prof. Mukhametzhan Khakimovich Fariz (1957-1976 gg.). From January 1977 to August 2000 the department was headed by Professor Smagul Kayshibaevich Kayshibaev, and then from September 1, 2000 to September 8, 2004 by Professor Bolat Amenovich Abeuov. Recently, the Head of department is Professor Erkyn Smagulovich Nurguzhaev.

Nowadays there are 20 people in staff (the head of department, two professors, six associate professors, 12 assistants), including 2 professors, 4 doctors (full MD) and 13 candidates of sciences (PhD).

Students from medical, pediatric, dental and health-care faculties study there. Through the residency and postgraduate programs on the basis of this Department were trained thousands of experienced clinicians, neurologists, 12 doctors and 50 candidates (5 of them headed the department of neurology at medical universities in Almaty, Astana, Karaganda, Shymkent and Aktobe).

There worked worldwide known scientists and neurologists: Associate Professor R.G. Mandryka (she had been heading the Department of nervous diseases in Karaganda Medical Institute for 24 years (1951-1975)), Associate Professor Z.M. Bryantseva (she had been leading the Department of Nervous Diseases State Institute of improvement of doctors in Alma-Ata for 5 years (1975-1980)), I. Giants (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy in Pyatigorsk), B.A. Atchabarov (National Academy of Sciences of RK, also he had been working as Dean of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of regional pathology for 30 years).

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.P. Kasatkina made a great contribution in education of professionals and scientists neurologists in Kazakhstan. Also she worked about 10 years at the Department of Nervous Diseases in ASMI and had been heading the Department of Nervous diseases in the Alma-Ata Institute for Advanced Medicals for 10 years (1965-1975).

Total number of scientific publications, made by employee is more than 500. 14 collections of 12 books, more than 100 guidelines, 5 manuals, 2 textbooks for students in Russian and Kazakh, Russian-Kazakh dictionary of neurological terms were published, more than 20 authors’ certificates for inventions and innovations for more than 30 were received.