№3 ішкі аурулар кафедрасында тәрбие жұмысының жүру барысы жайлы

2011-12 оқу жылында біздің кафедра емдеу факультетінің 28 топ студенттеріне кемеңгерлік жұмысын жүргізуде, оның ішінде 24 топ қазақ бөлімінің, ал 4 топ орыс бөлімінің студенттері. Жалпы университеттік жоспар негізіне сүйеніп, тәрбие жұмысы бойынша кафедра жоспары құралды, ол азаматтық-патриоттық, құқықтық және полимәдениеттік, рухани-адамгершілік және эстетикалық тәрбие, сонымен қатар жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес, салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау жұмыстарын біріктіреді.

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Поисковые слова:

About a course of work on educational work on Department of Internal Diseases No. 3

In 2011-12 academic year our chair supervises 28 groups of students of the 6th course of medical faculty, of them 24 groups of the Kazakh office and 4 groups of Russian office. On the basis of the all-university plan the cathedral plan on educational work which included such works as civil and patriotic, legal and polycultural, spiritual and moral and esthetic education, and also events for anti-corruption work, for healthy lifestyle promotion were held was made.

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Оқытушының аты-жөні

 Топтың нөмері
















Клиникалық    задача

Искаков Б.С.

001-1,2,3 қ. 16.04.12 ж.
004-1,2,3 қ. 19.04.12 ж.
007-1,2,3 қ. 24.04.12 ж.
010-1,2,3 қ. 27.04.12 ж.
013-1,2,3 қ. 04.05.12 ж.
016-1,2,3,4 қ. 10.05.12 ж.
019-1,2,3,4 қ. 15.05.12 ж.

Шерияздан Ж.С.

005-1,2,3 қ. 19.04.12 ж.
008-1,2,3 қ. 24.04.12 ж.
012-1,2,3 қ. 27.04.12 ж.
014-1,2,3 қ. 04.05.12 ж.
017-1,2,3,4 қ. 10.05.12 ж.
020-1,2,3,4 қ. 15.05.12 ж.

Токсанбаева Г.Т.

003-1,2,3 қ. 16.04.12 ж.
009-1,2,3 қ. 24.04.12 ж.
011-1,2,3 қ. 27.04.12 ж.
015-1,2,3,4 қ. 04.05.12 ж.
018-1,2,3,4 қ. 10.05.12 ж.
021-1,2,3,4 қ. 15.05.12 ж.

Сабырбаева Г.А.

002-1,2,3 қ. 16.04.12 ж.
006-1,2,3 қ. 19.04.12 ж.

Семенова Р.И.

022-1,2,3 ор. 03.05.12 ж.
023-3,4 ор.

024-1 ор.

08.05.12 ж.
025-1,2,3 ор. 14.05.12 ж.
026-3,4 ор.

027-1 ор.

17.05.12 ж.
028-1,2,3,4 ор. 22.05.12 ж.

Габбасова Э.З.

022-4 ор.

023-1,2 ор.

03.05.12 ж.
024- 2,3,4 ор. 08.05.12 ж.
025-4 ор.

026-1,2 ор.

14.05.12 ж.
027-2,3,4 ор. 17.05.12 ж.
029-1,2,3,4 ағыл. 22.05.12 ж.










Анализдерді талдау және АҚ өлшеу


Сабырбаева Г.А.

001-1,2,3 қ. 17.04.12 ж.
004-1,2,3, қ. 20.04.12 ж.
007-1,2,3 қ. 25.04.12 ж.
010-1,2,3 қ. 30.04.12 ж.
013-1,2,3 қ. 07.05.12 ж.
016-1,2,3,4 қ. 11.05.12 ж.
019-1,2,3,4 қ. 16.05.12 ж.

Сайланова Д.К.

002-1,2,3 қ. 17.04.12 ж.
005-1,2,3 қ. 20.04.12 ж.
008-1,2,3 қ. 25.04.12 ж.
011-1,2,3 қ. 30.04.12 ж.
014-1,2,3 қ. 07.05.12 ж.
017-1,2,3,4 қ. 11.05.12 ж.
020-1,2,3,4 қ. 16.05.12 ж.

Шерияздан Ж.С.

012-1,2,3 қ. 30.04.12 гж.
015 -1,2,3,4 қ. 07.05.12 ж.
021-1,2,3,4 қ. 16.05.12 ж.

Токсанбаева Г.Т.

003-1,2,3 қ. 17.04.12 ж.
006-1,2,3 қ. 20.04.12 ж.

Искаков Б.С.

009-1,2,3 қ. 25.05.12 ж.
018-1,2,3,4 қ. 11.05.12 ж.

Енокян С.Г.

022-1,2,3 ор. 04.05.12 ж.
023-3,4 ор.

024-1 ор.

10.05.12 ж.
025-1,2,3 ор. 15.05.12 ж.
026-3,4 ор.

027-1 ор.

18.05.12 ж.
029-1,2,3,4 ағыл. 23.05.12 ж.

Чумбалова А.С.

022-4 ор.

023-1,2 ор.

04.05.12 ж.
024- 2,3,4 ор. 10.05.12 ж.
025-4 ор.

026-1,2 ор.

15.05.12 ж.
027-2,3,4 ор. 18.05.12 ж.
028-1,2,3,4 ор. 23.05.12 ж.





























Зиманова Г.С.

001-1,2,3 қ. 18.04.12 ж.
004-1,2,3 қ. 23.04.12 ж.
007-1,2,3 қ. 26.04.12 ж.
010-1,2,3 қ. 03.05.12 ж.
013-1,2,3 қ. 08.05.12 ж.
016-1,2,3,4 қ. 14.05.12 ж.
019-1,2,3,4 қ. 17.05.12 ж.
029-1,2,3,4 ағыл. 24.05.12 ж.

Альмухамбетова Р.К.

002-1,2,3 қ. 18.04.12 ж.
005-1,2,3 қ. 23.04.12 ж.
008-1,2,3 қ. 26.04.12 ж.
011-1,2,3 қ. 03.05.12 ж.
015-1,2,3,4 қ. 08.05.12 ж.
017-1,2,3,4 қ. 14.05. 12 ж.
020-1,2,3,4 қ. 17.05.12 ж.

Бекишева А.С.

003-1,2, 3 қ. 18.04.12 ж.
006-1,2,3 қ. 23.04.12 ж.
009-1,2,3 қ. 26.04.12 ж.
012-1,2,3 қ. 03.05.12 ж.
014-1,2,3 қ. 08.05.12 ж.
018-1,2,3,4 қ. 14.05.12 ж.
021-1,2,3,4 қ. 17.05.12 ж.
027-2,3,4 ор. 21.05.12 ж.

Попельная Л.А.

022-1,2,3 ор. 07.05.12 ж.
022-4 ор.

023-1,2 ор.

08.05.12 ж.
023-3,4 ор.

024-1 ор.

11.05.12 ж.
024- 2,3,4 ор. 14.05.12 ж.
025-1,2,3 ор. 16.05.12 ж.
025-4 ор.

026-1,2 ор.

17.05.12 ж.
026-3,4 ор.

027-1 ор.

21.05.12 ж.
028-1,2,3,4 ор.

24.05.12 ж.

Өткізілетін жері: № 3 ішкі аурулар кафедрасы  (клиникалық база – ҚКО, 4 этаж).

Өту уақыты:  14.30 – 16.00 сағ.


 Инструментальды зерттеулерді талдау кезеңдеріне арналған  «Ішкі аурулар» дисциплинасы бойынша  (визуальды диагностика кафедрасы өткізеді)





Топ №


Инструментальды зерттеулерді талдау

(УЗИ, рентген)


001-1,2,3 қ.

002-1,2,3 қ.

003-1,2,3 қ.

004-1,2,3 қ.

005-1,2 қ.



005-3 қ.

006-1,2,3 қ.

007-1,2,3 қ.

008-1,2,3 қ.

009-1,2,3 қ.

010-1 қ.


010-2,3 қ.

011-1,2,3 қ.

012-1,2,3 қ.

013-1,2,3 қ.

014-1,2,3 қ.



015-1,2,3,4 қ.

016-1,2,3,4 қ.

017-1,2,3,4 қ.

018-1,2 қ.


018-3,4 қ.

019-1,2,3,4 қ.

020-1,2,3,4 қ.

021-1,2,3,4 қ.


022-1,2,3,4 ор.

023-1,2,3,4 ор.

024-1,2,3,4 ор.

025-1,2 ор.


025-3,4 ор.

026-1,2,3,4 ор.

027-1,2,3,4 ор.

028-1,2,3,4 ор.


029-1,2,3,4 ағыл.  


Өткізілетін жері: Тәжірибелік дағдыландыру орталығының 4 оқу корпусының конференц-залы

Өту уақыты: 14.30 – 16.00 сағ. аралығында 


Қаз ҰМУ №3 ішкі аурулар кафедрасының меңгерушісі, ҚР еңбегі сіңген ғылым қайраткері, Қазақ білім беру академиясының корреспондент-мүшесі, м.ғ.д., проф. М.И. Даулетбакова


Поисковые слова:



Ф.И.О.  преподавателя

Номер группы
















Клиническая    задача

Искаков Б.С.

001-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 04.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Шерияздан Ж.С.

005-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
012-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 04.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Токсанбаева Г.Т.

003-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
009-1,2,3 к. 24.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 27.04.12 г.
015-1,2,3,4 к. 04.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 10.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 15.05.12 г.

Сабырбаева Г.А.

002-1,2,3 к. 16.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 19.04.12 г.

Семенова Р.И.

022-1,2,3 р. 03.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

08.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 14.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

17.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 22.05.12 г.

Габбасова Э.З.

022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

03.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 08.05.12 г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

14.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 17.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 22.05.12 г.










Интерпретация анализов

и измерение АД



Сабырбаева Г.А.

001-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3, к. 20.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 25.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 07.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Сайланова Д.К.

002-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
005-1,2,3 к. 20.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 25.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 07.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Шерияздан Ж.С.

012-1,2,3 к. 30.04.12 г.
015 -1,2,3,4 к. 07.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 16.05.12 г.

Токсанбаева Г.Т.

003-1,2,3 к. 17.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 20.04.12 г.

Искаков Б.С.

009-1,2,3 к 25.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 11.05.12 г.

Енокян С.Г.

022-1,2,3 р. 04.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

10.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 15.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

18.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 23.05.12 г.

Чумбалова А.С.

022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

04.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 10.05.12г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

15.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 18.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 23.05.12 г.






























Зиманова Г.С.

001-1,2,3 к. 18.04.12 г.
004-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
007-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
010-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
013-1,2,3 к. 08.05.12 г.
016-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05.12 г.
019-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.
029-1,2,3,4 англ. 24.05.12 г.

Альмухамбетова Р.К.

002-1,2,3 к. 18.04.12 г.
005-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
008-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
011-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
015-1,2,3,4 к. 08.05.12 г.
017-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05. 12 г.
020-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.

Бекишева А.С.

003-1,2, 3 к. 18.04.12 г.
006-1,2,3 к. 23.04.12 г.
009-1,2,3 к. 26.04.12 г.
012-1,2,3 к. 03.05.12 г.
014-1,2,3 к. 08.05.12 г.
018-1,2,3,4 к. 14.05.12 г.
021-1,2,3,4 к. 17.05.12 г.
027-2,3,4 р. 21.05.12 г.

Попельная Л.А.

022-1,2,3 р. 07.05.12 г.
022-4 р.

023-1,2 р.

08.05.12 г.
023-3,4 р.

024-1 р.

11.05.12 г.
024- 2,3,4 р. 14.05.12 г.
025-1,2,3 р. 16.05.12 г.
025-4 р.

026-1,2 р.

17.05.12 г.
026-3,4 р.

027-1 р.

21.05.12 г.
028-1,2,3,4 р. 24.05.12 г.


Место проведения: кафедра внутренних болезней № 3 (на клинической базе – ГКЦ, 4 этаж).

Время проведения с 14.30 – 16.00 ч.





по дисциплине  «Внутренние болезни» на этапе интерпретации результатов

инструментальных исследований (проводится кафедрой визуальной диагностики)




№ группы





(УЗИ, рентген)


001-1,2,3 к.

002-1,2,3 к.

003-1,2,3 к.

004-1,2,3 к.

005-1,2 к.



005-3 к.

006-1,2,3 к.

007-1,2,3 к.

008-1,2,3 к.

009-1,2,3 к.

010-1 к.


010-2,3 к.

011-1,2,3 к.

012-1,2,3 к.

013-1,2,3 к.

014-1,2,3 к.



015-1,2,3,4 к.

016-1,2,3,4 к.

017-1,2,3,4 к.

018-1,2 к.


018-3,4 к.

019-1,2,3,4 к.

020-1,2,3,4 к.

021-1,2,3,4 к.


022-1,2,3,4 р.

023-1,2,3,4 р.

024-1,2,3,4 р.

025-1,2 р.


025-3,4 р.

026-1,2,3,4 р.

027-1,2,3,4 р.

028-1,2,3,4 р.


029-1,2,3,4 англ.  


Место проведения: конференц-зал 4 учебного корпуса Центра практических навыков

Время проведения с 14.30 – 16.00 ч.


Заведующая кафедрой  внутренних болезней № 3, Заслуженный деятель науки РК, член-корр. КАО,  д.м.н., профессор М.И. Даулетбакова

Department of Internal Diseases No. 2

Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov was founded in 2003. Head of the department is MSD, Professor Nazipa Aidargalieva, schoolgirl of the academician E.I. Chazov, professor N.M. Muharlyamov, and Corr. Member of Russian Academy Medical Science Yu. Belenkov.

Hospital No. 7 in Almaty is the main clinical base of the founding of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2. Hospital administration Department granted 7 classrooms for workshops with students. There is possibility to show students case patients in all offices of multi-profile hospital No. 7.  Since 2003, more than 8 thousand students of Kazakh National Medical University, had been trained at the clinical base of the hospital No.7, and many of the graduates are now working in different departments of the hospital. Professors, associate professors, and Professor Assistant of the department of Internal Diseases No. 2 advise and supervise patients admitted to the hospital in planned and urgent manner.

The staff members of the Department of Internal Diseases systematically accomplish consultative-diagnostic, curative and methodological work not only in the specialized field of the hospital therapeutic profile: therapeutic, departments of therapy, nephrology, hematology, endocrinology, neurology, but at intensive care, as well as all branches of surgery.

Since 2003, the staff members of the Department examined and treated more than 24 thousand patients. Head of the Department, professor Nazipa Aidargalieva advises seriously ill patients, have been actively involved in the pathology-anatomic conferences, review medical records of deceased persons as well as lectures to medical personnel of the hospital. Since 2003, more than 20 scientific and practical conferences based hospital No.7. The staff members of the Department take part in commissions on police complaints and letters from patients, inter-agency disputes, as well as other administrative situations.

Hospital doctors are actively involved in scientific research, followed by a joint publication in medical journals. Together with doctors office employees of faculty therapy internal medicine No. 2 has introduced innovative technologies for management of arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease such as 24-hours monitoring of ECG and arterial pressure.

Since 2003, the members of the Department of Internal Diseases No.2 implemented more than 80 contemporary methods of treatment based on international guidelines and evidence-based medicine. Professor Nazipa Aidargalieva annually approves the report of the hospital therapeutic department and participates in the annual report for the Department of Health of Almaty.

Staff members of the Department are actively carried out methodological work. 15 textbooks and methodical recommendations were issued since 2003.

Since its Foundation, the Department successfully carried out research on current issues in therapy. Basic direction of scientific activity of the Department is to develop and improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases. The scientific direction is developing new methods of prevention and treatment of ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, and its combination with diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular diseases and others.

Employees of the Department were among the organizers of international congresses and conferences: in 2006 and in 2007 – the International Congresses on Gastroenterology; in 2010, the International Conference for the 80-th anniversary of Kazakh National Medical University on «Modern approaches in the treatment of coronary heart disease». Much work is being done by the Department in the regions of Kazakhstan. Since 2003, more than 50 scientific conferences on current issues in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases carry out in different regions of Kazakhstan.

The results of numerous scientific works are reported on international and national conferences and meetings on various issues of internal pathology. Thanks to research on a broad sector of diseases of internal organs 2 members of the Department supported academic status of MSD on Gastroenterology and Hematology, and others 5 — PhD theses on Therapy. Head of the Department, Professor Aidargalieva over the years is an Expert Committee for control and certification in the field of science and education of RK. As a physician-cardiologist of the highest category, Member of the Presidium of the Association of cardiologists of Kazakhstan, Member of the European Heart Failure Association, MSD, Professor Aidargalieva has annually participated in the work of the European society of cardiology. Students engaged in scientific researches repeatedly participated and took Prize-winning places at the Republican and University student’s conferences. In 2007, the scientific work of student Dilnar Ashirova «The effects of beta blockage with carvedilol on kidney hemodynamic in patients with arterial hypertension combined with type 2 diabetes” received 3 place in the 3 round of student’s scientific works and awarded diploma and valuable gift. At the Republican contest of research scientific work of student Gulzhan Nigmetova «Peculiarity of heavy pneumonia among residents of Almaty» awarded a 3-third degree diploma of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduates of the Department work not only in Kazakhstan but also in the countries of near and far abroad.

Department of Neurosurgery

Clinical bases:

• City clinical hospital No. 7 Address: Almaty, Kalkaman’s residential district

Location map: journey by buses No. 303, 16, 67,243. «Kalkaman’s» stop

• Regional clinical hospital. Address: Almaty, Demchenko St. 86.


Location map: behind road service station «Sayakhat», a stop «Fork»

• Medical centre «Sunkar». Address: Almaty, Aksay4, # 117.

Location map: Journey by buses No. 118, No. 77.


Chief of the department:

doctor of medical sciences(PhD ,MD,  chief  of neurosurgery  Department of Health care of Almaty, head of  Department of urgent neurotraumatology and vascular neurosurgery No. 3, City clinical hospital No. 7       Zhanaydarov Zhanibek Srymovich (Phone: 270 86 33, internal 170)


Manager of a teaching department: PhD, Dubchev Damir Ildusovich (Phone: 256 43 75)


Clinical bases  have the latest diagnostic equipments  and modern operational  instruments in which difficult operations with use of modern microneurosurgical equipment are daily performed.

For carrying out lectures and a practical training the chair on all clinical bases has multimedia equipment, modern computers. Available there are about 500 slides according to all sections of neurosurgery, 5 bench presentations, more than 100 visual aids (roentgenograms-X-ray, MRT, CT, аngiograms), is prepared by the Staff of department of 10 lectures on all sections of neurosurgery in the form of computer presentations in the Power Point format.

Staff of Department  is members Kazakhstan associations of neurosurgeons. Take active part in work of printing editions, more than 80 scientific works are published

The main activities of Department  is a teaching work, practical health care and the scientific researches which priority are:

• Surgical and conservative treatment of patients with brain aneurisms, arteriovenous malformation and hypertensive hematomas.

• Surgical treatment of patients with different types of craniocereberal and craniofacial damages, including  gunshot wounds and the remote consequences of a craniocereberal trauma.

• Surgical treatment of patients with tumors of the brain of various localization.

• Surgical treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of a backbone and a spinal cord.

• Intensive care of urgent conditions in neurosurgery.

• Courses of neurorehabilitation of consequences of craniocereberal traumas, after stroke movement disturbancies and cognitive violations.

Pedagogical activity

The main directions of pedagogical work of department are  the obligatory program for students of the 5th course of medical faculty day offices within page higher education by a cycle «the urgent conditions at diseases of the central nervous system», and elective occupations for students of the 6th and 7th courses.


For the 5th course on neurosurgery department :



For the 5th course on neurosurgery department:





For the 6th course on neurosurgery department :

1. NEUROTRAUMATOLOGY — 90 hours (for interns surgeons);

2. Vertebral diseases  — 90 hours (for interns of VOP and therapists);



For the 7th course on neurosurgery department:

1. OPERATIVE NEUROSURGERY — 90 hours (for interns surgeons);

2. The HEMORRHAGIC STROKE — 90 hours (for interns of VOP and therapists);


Within postdegree education on department of neurosurgery carrying out courses on various questions of urgent neurosurgery is organized:

1. «Surgery of non traumatic intracranial hemorrhages»,

2. «Surgery of a craniocereberal  trauma»

3. «Neuroendoscopy».


Carries out training of doctors on cycles:

1. The general usovershenstvoaniye for doctors of different specialties (288 hours)

2. Thematic (certified) improvement for doctors-neurosurgeons with duration of training at 144 o’clock;

Department history

The department of neurosurgery was created at medical faculty Kaz NMU (The order No. 55 from 27 09.11 «About the organization of chair of neurosurgery on the basis of the solution of the Academic Council No. 2 from 27.09.2011)

Earlier the department of neurosurgery  was a part of department «Neurology with a neurosurgery course»

Due to the neurosurgery development as independent specialty, improvement of methods of diagnostics and treatment of surgical diseases of nervous system, and also importance growth in structure of rendering of the qualitative neurosurgical help of principles of intensive therapy and reanimation at the neurosurgical patients demanding from being trained special preparation, the department was renamed into «Neurosurgery department» (The order No. 55 from 27 09.11 «About the organization of department of neurosurgery on the basis of the solution of the Academic Council No. 2 from 27.09.2011)


Professorial  and the teaching structure:

Chief of the department:

doctor of medical sciences PhD ,MD, Zhanaydarov Zhanibek Srymovich (Phone: 270 86 33, internal 170, GKB No. 7)

Manager of a teaching department:

PhD ,MD, Dubchev Damir Ildusovich (Phone: 256 43 75, medical center «Sunkar»)


PhD ,MD. senior lecturer, Mukhanov Temirkhan Kaliyevich (Phone 231 27 91 Regional hospital),

assistant Raimkulova Camilla Bekmuratovna (GKB No. 7)

assistant Hovdash Ayshash Nasimoldayevna

assistant Zhalbagayev Armand Eltorevich

assistant Omarbayev Kayrat Kabsadykovich (Phone: 270 86 33 internal 172, GKB No. 7)

assistant Kulmukhametov Abay Sovetbekovich (Phone: 270 86 33 internal 172, GKB No. 7)

assistant Bayzhumanova Nazigul Shayzadovna

Research work at the Department of Otolaryngology

Department of  Otolaryngology has addressed several issues in order to implement:

  • Solve problems related to the adverse factors of an industrial society, performed a series of papers studying the impact of chemical pollution and radiation background in Azgyre in Tengiz region, Kyzyl-Orda, as well as in the city of Almaty for upper respiratory tract;
  • The problem of medical mycology;
  • Optimization of preoperative and postoperative period in tonsillectomy;
  • The problem of subjective tinnitus as a symptom of hearing pathology, diagnosis and treatment;
  • Clinical and functional features of the pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses in patients with leprosy;
  • Immunological and microbiological aspects of the pathology of the maxillary sinus;
  • Surgical treatment of inflammatory lesions of the upper-jaw sinus with ultrasound;
  • Osteoplastic surgery of low-frequency ultrasound, laser therapy for sinusitis and cystic polypous;
  • Define the role of infection associated chronic inflammatory disease of the nose and paranasal sinuses;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis with soputsvuyuschey pathology of upper respiratory tract;
  • Problems with vestibular disorders of peripheral vascular disease, and central origin;

Employees of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology closely with practical public health, carried out scientific and practical conferences for physicians, Astana, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Taraz, Shymkent, Aksai.

Each year, over 7 years, invited Professor. E. Steinbach (Germany) to conduct master classes.


Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Department of Otolaryngology at the Kazakh Institute of Medicine was established in 1936 under the leadership of Vasil Ermolaeva Gavrilovich, a born organizer, a scientist, a representative of the Leningrad School of otolaryngologists. Over the years, in Kazakhstan, in addition to the area in the department of ENT-Diseases combine several positions: Chief Doctor of the CPC Hospital, chief physician of the clinical hospital № 1, the Deputy Director of Kazmi and deputy commissar of Health of the Kazakh SSR. He has successfully worked in the journal «Health of Kazakhstan.» Party and the government of Kazakhstan for labor progress given the title of Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, was awarded the Order of Labor Red Banner, Order of the Red Star. He was a member of the regional committee, regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.

In 1939 after the departure of Ermolaev VG in Leningrad, the chair becomes a PhD and in 1947 MD Boris Elantsev, a representative of the Tomsk school of Otorhinolaryngology, bright and prominent, highly successful scientist, the organizer, who created the Kazakhstan School of Otorhinolaryngology: 7 d.m.n., 37 PhD published a monograph on the surgical diseases of upper respiratory tract, which still enjoys great demand — in practical public health.

After leaving on a holiday in 1973 to 2002 the department was headed by Professor S. Taybogarov they released six books on various branches of specialization. His scientific school were a doctor, and 11 candidates of medical sciences.

From 2002 to the present rate of Otorhinolaryngology, and then, in 2005, the department is headed by MD D.E.Zhaysakova

D.E. Zhaysakova Almaty is the Chairman of Rhinology Society, a member of the Dissertation Council of AP 09/06/01 LGU «Astana», a member of the editorial board member of the Hospital Council hospital № 5, a member of the KEELS. Under her leadership, defended 3 doctoral, 10 master’s theses. Has repeatedly been a reviewer and reviewer of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

For his contribution to science professor, D.E. Zhaysakova awarded the Medal «Аl-Farabi.» As a result of the Republican contest for the title of «Best teacher of high school» in 2008, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, Grant became the owner of the republican А.S.Kulimbetov Associate Professor AS, which was awarded the badge and the certificate is issued «The best teacher of high school in 2008,» Ministry of Education and Science of the RK.

The objective of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology: The aim of the Department of Otolaryngology is to prepare and issue experts, the implementation of research and educational work among the students in the department, preparation of the teaching staff, provision of medical advice to the population and the introduction of practical public health, scientific and practical achievements in the ENT specialty.

Tasks of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology:

educational and methodical work, scientific research, educational work, medical and advisory work.

Go to the theoretical problems are the subject of  Otorhinolaryngology:

1) study questions the mechanism of disorders of the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx, in inflammatory diseases.

2) to study the mechanism of the effect of cytokines on the state of the pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses in children during periods of exacerbation and in the residual state.

3) The course of chronic inflammatory disease of the middle ear and the possibility of plastic surgery.

4) Implants of the inner ear in traumatic conditions.

5) Inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, revealing the role of the nervous, endocrine and immune system in regulating the process of chronicity.

6) The role of minimally invasive operations in the surgical treatment of diseases of upper respiratory tract.

7) endovideosurgery ENT pathologies of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

8) Questions otonevrologicheskih diagnosis of treatment of diseases in the light of the current state of the ear disease.

Научно-исследовательская работа кафедры

Кафедра оториноларингология занимается  решением нескольких проблем по реализации тем:

  • решения проблем, связанных с   неблагоприятными факторами индустриального общества, выполняется ряд работ, изучающих   воздействие  химических загрязнений и радиационного фона в Азгыре, в регионе Тенгизского месторождения, Кызыл-Орде, а также в городе Алматы на верхние дыхательные пути;
  • проблема медицинской микологии;
  • оптимизация предоперационной подготовки и послеоперационного периода при тонзилэктомии;
  • проблема субъективного ушного шума, как симптома патологии слуха, диагностика и лечение;
  • клинико-функциональные особенности патологии носа и околоносовых пазух у больных лепрой;
  • иммунологические и микробиологические аспекты при патологии верхнечелюстной пазухи;
  • хирургическое лечение гнойно-воспалительных поражений верхне-челюстной пазухи с применением ультразвука;
  • остеопластическая хирургия низкочастотным ультразвуком, лазеротерапией при полипозных и кистозных синуситах;
  • определение роли ассоциированной инфекции гнойно-воспалительной патологии носа и околоносовых пазух;
  • Диагностика и лечение аллергического ринита с сопутсвующей патологией ЛОР-органов;
  • Проблемы вестибулярных нарушений при сосудистой патологии периферического и центрального генеза;

Сотрудники кафедры оториноларингологии тесно сотрудничают с практическим здравоохранением, проводились научно-практические конференции для врачей г. Астана, Караганда, Павлодар, Усть-Каменогорск, Семей, Тараз, Шымкент, Аксай.

Ежегодно, в течение 7 лет, приглашается проф. Э. Штайнбах (Германия) для проведения мастер-классов.

Кафедра оториноларингологии

Кафедра оториноларингологии в Казахском медицинском институте была открыта в 1936 году под руководством Ермолаева Василия Гавриловича, прирожденного организатора, ученого, представителя Ленинградской школы оториноларингологов. За годы работы в Казахстане помимо заведования кафедрой ЛОР-болезней им совмещались несколько должностей: главного врача больницы Совнаркома, главного врача клинической больницы №1, заместителя директора КазМИ и заместителя наркома здравоохранения КазССР. Он успешно работал в журнале «Здравоохранение Казахстана».  Партией и правительством Казахстана за трудовые успехи присвоено звание Заслуженного деятеля науки КазССР, награжден орденом Трудового Красного Знамени, орденом Красной Звезды. Являлся членом райкома, обкома компартии Казахстана.

С 1939 года после отъезда Ермолаева В.Г. в Ленинград, заведующим кафедрой становится к.м.н., а с 1947 года доктор медицинских наук Борис Владимирович Еланцев, представитель Томской школы оториноларингологии, яркий, видный, весьма успешный ученый, организатор, создавший Казахстанскую школу оториноларингологии: 7 д.м.н., 37 к.м.н. выпустил монографию по хирургическим болезням ЛОР-органов, которая и по сей день пользуется большой востребованностью – в практическом здравоохранении.

После ухода на заслуженный отдых в 1973-2002гг кафедру возглавлял профессор Тайбогаров С.Е. им выпущены 6 монографий по различным разделам специальности. Его научную школу составили 1 доктор и 11 кандидатов медицинских наук.

С 2002года и до настоящего времени курс оториноларингологии, а затем, с 2005 года, кафедру возглавляет д.м.н. Жайсакова Д.Е.

Жайсакова Д.Е. является Председателем Алматинского общества ринологов, членом Диссертационного Совета ОД   09.06.01 ГМУ «Астана», членом редакционной коллегии , член Больничного Совета ГКБ №5, членом КИЛИ. Под ее руководством защищены 3 докторских, 10 кандидатских диссертаций. Неоднократно была рецензентом и оппонентом кандидатских и докторских диссертаций.  

За вклад в науку профессор Д.Е. Жайсакова награждена медалью ″Аль-Фараби″. По итогам Республиканского конкурса на звание «Лучший преподаватель ВУЗа» 2008 года, организованного  Министерством образования и науки РК, обладателем республиканского гранта стал доцент кафедры Кулимбетов А.С., который награжден нагрудным знаком и выдано свидетельство «Лучший преподаватель ВУЗа 2008 года» Министерства образования и науки РК.

Цель деятельности кафедры оториноларингологии:

Целью кафедры оториноларингологии является подготовка и выпуск специалистов, осуществление научно-исследовательской деятельности, воспитательной работы среди обучающихся на кафедре, подготовка научно- педагогических кадров, оказание лечебно-консультативной помощи населению и внедрение в практическое здравоохранение научно- практические достижения в оториноларингологической специальности.


Задачи кафедры оториноларингологии:

учебно- методическая работа; научно- исследовательская работа; воспитательная работа; лечебно- консультативная работа.

К теоретическим задачам предмета оториноларингологии относятся:

1) изучение вопросов механизма нарушения нервно- мышечного аппарата гортани, при воспалительных заболеваниях.

2) изучение механизма влияние цитокинов на состояние патологии носа и околоносовых пазух у детей, в периоды обострения и в резидуального состояния.

3) Особенности течения хронических воспалительных заболеваний среднего уха и возможности применения пластических операций.

4) Имплантология внутреннего уха при травматических состояниях.

5) Воспалительные заболевания носа и околоносовых пазух, выявление роли нервной, эндокринной и иммунной системы организма в регуляции процесса хронизации.

6) Роль малоинвазивных операций в хирургическом лечении патологии ЛОР-органов.

7) Эндовидеохирургия оториноларингологических патологических состояний носа и околоносовых пазух.

8) Вопросы диагностики лечения отоневрологических заболеваний в свете современного состоянии патологии уха.

Поисковые слова: